Again... I show up for two hot n ready cheese pizzas... alas... I'm stuck here waiting for my Pizzas. It's been 10 minutes.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Fathers Day Free Food Coupons
Well, Quiznos is awesome this year! Dads and moms alike can eat Free! The coupons are detailed below.
Just print, clip and bring in! Enjoy!
-Joe the Foodie
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Like a sir; I attended a wine tasting.
With that being said; I forced down 6 glasses of the stuff. I had to score it. Well; my scores were damned accurate compared to a professional wine tasters scored of the same wines.
And then it dawned on me... why can't I do this with Soda? Soda is a fast food in a sense. It's prebottled, carbonated at the factory and it comes in a variety of flavors.
My exquisite palate should be able to differentiate between a good Soda and a bad one. My favorite: Dr. Pepper and it's ghetto incarnations are easily distinguished between each other. I bet side-by-side I could pick out which one was the real Dr. Pepper and which one wasn't.
So; lets see if I'm able!
That will one of my upcoming challenges. Buy all the knockoffs of Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper itself, Diet Dr. Pepper and lets see if I can taste the difference between them.
See you next Friday when I indulge in the tastes of the Dr. Knockoffs.
-Joe the Pepper Foodie
Friday, June 8, 2012
Not So Fast Food: Little Caesar's Hot'n'Ready
Attention Small Julius; every time I seem to go in for your Hot'n'Ready pizzas, I wait in excess of 10-15 minutes. This isn't just an event at one location... not even a in the same city or state.
So here we go; I'm hungry. You claim to have Hot'n'Ready Pepperoni, Cheese and Crazy Bread. So I could just walk in and order, get my food and bounce. Seems easy enough.
Nope. Hasn't happened once. In several locations between the Seattle Metro area and Reno I might add. Now; I don't ever really go when I'd expect you to be busy like on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday... or April 20th for the Munchied out stoners. So; while I temporarily revoke your Fast Food status, I will hold out hopes that you can have these prefab pizzas next time I wish to indulge in quick, greasy, filling pies.
Sincerely yours,
-Joe the Impatient Foodie
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Jack in the Box Snafu (Part 3)
Well, there weren't as many free food items as I had hoped. Only two Value Meals.